Mavim Blog

What practices make up Operational Excellence culture?

Written by Joyce van den Burg | May 10, 2024 1:30:00 PM

Discover the power of operational excellence with GBS, ESG, and GRC.

Building an Operational Excellence Culture

In today's dynamic business environment, achieving operational excellence is no longer just about streamlining processes. It's about fostering a culture that prioritizes efficiency, sustainability, and responsible practices. While seemingly separate concepts like Global Business Services (GBS), Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), and Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) might not immediately come to mind when discussing operational excellence, they all play a crucial role in building a strong foundation for operational excellence.

This blog post will dive into each of these cornerstones and explore how they contribute to a robust operational excellence culture.

1. Global Business Services

Global Business Services (GBS) are a fundamental component in establishing a robust operational excellence culture within an organization. By implementing standardized processes and tools, GBS ensures consistency and efficiency across all operations, minimizing errors and promoting best practices. This foundation sets the stage for streamlined workflows, quicker turnaround times, and ultimately, improved operational efficiency – all vital aspects of operational excellence. Through the integration of GBS, organizations can lay the groundwork for a culture that prioritizes efficiency and excellence in all aspects of their business practices.

2. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

In the past, businesses might have viewed environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors as separate from operational excellence. However, today's forward-thinking organizations recognize that ESG is not just a "nice to have" but an integral part of achieving operational excellence. ESG factors encompass a wide range of considerations, including energy efficiency, waste reduction, employee well-being, diversity and inclusion, and ethical business practices.

By integrating these ESG factors into their operations, organizations can unlock a range of benefits that contribute to operational excellence:

  • Reduced costs -> Implementing sustainable practices can lead to lower energy and resource consumption, translating to significant cost savings.
  • Increased productivity -> A focus on employee well-being and diversity can boost morale, engagement, and creativity, leading to higher productivity and improved operational performance.
  • Enhanced reputation -> Strong ESG practices can enhance a company's reputation among customers, investors, and regulators, attracting and retaining talent and creating a competitive advantage.

3. Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

In the ever-evolving regulatory landscape, organizations face a multitude of risks that can disrupt operations and undermine efficiency. Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) plays a critical role in mitigating these risks and ensuring adherence to regulations, both of which are essential for achieving operational excellence.

GRC establishes a framework that empowers organizations to manage risk and ensure regulatory compliance. This framework integrates policies, processes, and technologies to achieve these goals. First, it focuses on identifying and assessing both internal risks, like system failures and human errors, and external risks, such as regulatory changes and market fluctuations. Once risks are identified, GRC helps organizations implement appropriate controls to minimize their likelihood or impact. Finally, it allows for continuous monitoring of compliance with relevant laws and regulations, helping organizations avoid costly penalties and reputational damage.

Consider a company that operates in a heavily regulated industry, such as healthcare or finance. A robust GRC program can help the company identify and manage risks related to data privacy, security, and financial reporting. By ensuring compliance with regulations, the company can avoid fines and legal penalties, which can have a significant impact on its operations and financial performance.

The Virtuous Cycle of Operational Excellence

The beauty of these practices lies in their interconnected relationships, creating a virtuous cycle that fuels operational excellence. Strong GBS lays the foundation for efficient and consistent operations, which in turn empowers organizations to implement impactful ESG and GRC initiatives. By integrating sustainability practices and risk management strategies, organizations can further optimize their operations, minimizing waste, fostering employee well-being, and ensuring compliance. This virtuous cycle not only enhances efficiency and cost reduction, but also builds a resilient and responsible business model, contributing to long-term success.

Want to learn more about how to effectively integrate these practices into your operational strategy? Download our newest eBook below.