Mavim Blog

Picking Apples at the Top: Why Vision Matters More Than "Quick Wins" in Transformation

Written by Adam Dwight | Jun 28, 2024 8:01:00 PM

Imagine a beautiful orchard bursting with ripe apples. You're tasked with transforming this orchard, but instead of scaling the ladder and reaching for the juiciest apples at the top, you focus on the low-hanging fruit – the easy wins within reach. This, unfortunately, is the approach many companies take with transformation efforts. They prioritize "quick wins" – minor improvements that yield immediate results – while neglecting the bigger picture.

Why is this a problem?

While quick wins can provide a temporary morale boost, focusing solely on them undermines the true purpose of transformation: achieving a sustainable and significant shift in your organization's performance. Here's why prioritizing vision is crucial:

Vision is your roadmap:

Without a clear understanding of your desired future state, how can you possibly navigate the transformation journey? A strong vision defines where you're headed and what success looks like.
  • Process blindness hinders progress: You can't improve what you don't understand. Many companies jump straight into optimization efforts without taking the time to truly visualize their current processes. This can lead to superficial changes that don't address underlying inefficiencies.

Neglecting vision carries significant consequences:

  • Unsustainable improvements: Quick wins might offer a temporary boost, but they often don't align with your long-term goals. These improvements become like band-aids on a larger wound, and eventually, the real issues resurface.
  • Missed opportunities: Focusing solely on the easy wins blinds you to the bigger picture. You might miss crucial opportunities to address systemic inefficiencies that could deliver significant long-term improvements.

Don't just pick apples – climb the ladder!

Transformation is about reaching the top – achieving a truly optimized and future-proof organization. Here's what you can do:

  • Define your transformation vision: Gather your team and brainstorm your ideal future state. What does success look like?
  • Visualize your current processes: Invest in process analysis tools or workshops to understand how things currently work.
  • Focus on long-term gains: Don't get sidetracked by quick wins. Prioritize improvements that align with your vision and ensure sustainable growth.

Remember, transformation is a journey, not a destination. By prioritizing vision and taking the time to understand your current state, you can chart a course that leads you to the juiciest apples at the top – a truly transformed and successful organization.

To learn more about how BPM can help you achieve a successful transformation, visit our solution page today! Process-Led Transformation Solution